The #1 Way my Ego would Sabotage me from Doing Something

A while ago I realized the #1, go-to way my ego would use to sabotage me from doing something.

It would tell me that: This is a really big deal. This is very important.

Therefore, I must put lots of planning and preparation into doing it well. And right now, I don’t have the capacity – time, energy, resources… – to handle it yet. I need to set aside lots of time and space, be in the right place, and be ready to handle it well. Because it’s a really big deal.

This is how my ego ensures that I never get around to actually doing it!

By coming up with conditions that have to be fulfilled first, I get more overwhelmed and daunted and end up doing nothing at all!

I’ve been catching myself doing this lately, and it’s great to have awareness of this!

This is why I know that the #1 way aspiring writers and authors don’t write is that they turn writing into a really big deal.

Let this short snippet from my online event “How to Have a Writing Practice when You’re Super Busy” be a reminder for you.

If you missed it but would love to watch the whole recording, you can get it here:

Watch this short clip for a snippet of it!