My soul exhales words; my fingertips are lung cells.

3 Tips to Get your Creativity Sizzling, or How I Rekindled the Flame for Cooking

I almost didn’t write this post, because I was gonna go look at the recipes for the cakes I wanna bake next week and find out what to get from the store tomorrow.

Initially I was gonna write this post a few days ago, but my inspiration wasn’t as much in writing as it was in making the summer rolls, chili-oil infused prawn pasta, and flourless lemon cake.

Part of me fought with myself over that and made it wrong. But the more I told myself I gotta write, the less I wanted to write. I just want to go make something delicious and beautiful instead!

????The last 6 weeks I have been truly, truly immersing in one of my greatest creative immersions ever.

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Charlene Blaine Schulenburg

Before I met Elora, I had an idea. That was it. I had a bunch of things written in a pile, not knowing what to do with any of it.

Let me count the ways that Elora has helped me…oh, that’s right, I can’t count them because there are too many of them! To sum it up, Elora gets invested in you… in your writing. There’s no other way to say it. She sees things organically and can help you because she cares so much about each and everyone one of her clients.

Elora has also become a friend. A friend that knows all my secrets. She has a magical way of getting inside my head, not because I’ve told my secrets to her but because she’s listened so carefully and lovingly that she’s figured them out. She figured me out, and she’s helping me figure out my writing, my story, my manuscript… and everything is SAFE with her. Forever grateful for being led to Elora Nature.

If ANYONE is thinking of writing, Elora is the one for you. She’s the writing angel with tools and a heart that speaks from her loving soul.

Lisa Berkovitz

Before my sessions with Elora, I had started writing my book, but was inconsistent with it. I was second-guessing my process, and some elements of how I wanted the book to be. That was causing me to feel frustrated, and like there was no easy way to get the book done.
After working with Elora, my path for the book became clear, and I realized that I had my own unique way of bringing it into form, which is also the same way I’ve successfully created other things in the past. I now feel clear, focused and confident about writing the book.
I would say to anyone thinking of working with Elora to take the leap if it feels right to you. She has a heart of gold, a clear passion for helping birth people’s books, and a unique gift for helping you become clear on the book that comes from your Soul, written in the way that’s true and right for you.

Laura Fredrickson

“Elora has an innate ability to support the blossoming of your vision as an author, regardless of where you are in your journey.

I highly recommend receiving her inception session to see how her fragrant gift can amplify your gifts in the world.”

Marriki Schlifer

In my session with Elora, we clarified what my true heart’s calling is and I was in tears. Her true job is not only a book doula, helping others birth their heartfelt writing into existence, but also a purpose navigator. She really sees her clients – she gave me permission to let go of what’s not working, make space for what lights me up, and to be vulnerable and empowered about owning my fullest expression.

Savitri Devi

The visualization in our session was the most powerful. I often do visualizations myself, but nothing’s like this. The state I’m in now feels like a total alert, the first time in many months. My eyes are still the same eyes and I am looking at the same world, but the sky is brighter, the leaves look different. I’m able to see nuances that I don’t usually see. I haven’t had this kind of vivid vision since 1999.

Everything is more vibrant and so much richer. I feel very excited, inspired, empowered, I feel it vibrating in every cell of my body.

And in the moments when the writing is not flowing, now I know I’ll be able to recall this feeling, bring it up again and visit that place. That’s very helpful. It feels like the Universe is showing me, this is how you do it!

Alison Sutton

The very powerful session I had with Elora, to download the energetic signature and blueprint of my book, I cannot imagine having with anyone else.
Elora’s carefully designed questions helped me to excavate the flow of the finished product, by connecting with its already finished future form, and I was able to hold it in my hands and feel the experience and journey the reader will have with it.
I realised during the session that the place I had written it from didn’t fit with what is intended for the finished product, and so I have some re-writing to do, but that all feels much clearer now, and I am grateful to have this connection to immerse myself in every time I sit and write. Thank you Elora!

Brian Baker

The exercise Elora took me through was a life-changing experience. It’s amazing to be able to see and feel the book, communicate with it and understand its needs! It makes the book real and tangible to me, so I’m more motivated to get it done as I can see the timeline. I’m already so proud of it!

I learn that this book is very important as it’s affecting other areas of my life too. When I feel a creative block in my business, working on the book gets my creative energy flowing again so I write more content on social media.

Deb Steele

Elora brings a unique combination of grounded practical advice and knowledge with a playful and powerful spiritual energy. She incorporates simple yet deeply profound guided visualisations into her teachings and guidance about book writing. Within 24 hours of our first session I had written two pieces, about 4,000 words, and also had the vision of what my book was, and why it mattered, which had been eluding me for years. Her title of book doula is so apt – she really will help you to birth your book into being.

Ilia Kontou

I had been struggling for years to find the title of my book. I was writing for three years, but something crucial was missing and that was the title! Elora with her wisdom guided me to connect on a deeper level with my creativity and the title just revealed itself. Then through this deeper connection, the chapters were revealed to me, the format, the drawings, the cover, all the ingredients of the book just fell in the right place.

The experience with Elora was very spiritual and led me to a real epiphany. She is a real doula helping people deliver their spiritual product in this world. Thank you Elora, the world needs your gifts!